We Did It!! 2021 #HS4K
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- 2020 Spirit of Christmasby Angela & Dennis GrayDecember 2020 Christmas is considered to be “The most wonderful time of the year!” however for the over 4,000 homeless children in Charlotte it may not feel like that to them. The Spirit of Christmas is an event that provides shoes, coats, books, toys and goodies to homeless children so they too can experience the joy of the holiday season while making sure some of their basic needs are met. We … Continue reading 2020 Spirit of Christmas
- You Liedby Angela GrayNovember 2020 US Representative Joe Wilson shouted, “You Lied” at former President Obama on national tv in 2009. That statement has continued to come to mind in recent weeks as our country once again publicly grieves the loss of black lives at the hands of law enforcement. I did not get in trouble much growing up but saying, “you lied” to my mother, was a no-no. She said growing up, she was taught … Continue reading You Lied
- R.I.C’s Market will be the first of its kind in CharlotteAs a child growing up in 1970s Detroit, Angela Gray remembers being forced to shop with her mother at over-priced, foreign-owned grocery stores that sometimes… Source: R.I.C’s Market will be the first of its kind in Charlotte
Click below to read about us in the Charlotte Magazine – February 2019 Edition

“So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours.” Mark 11:24 (ERV)
I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. So I sincerely ask that if you don’t have money to donate or time to volunteer; that you at least consider praying for the wisdom to come together to find and implement long-term sustainable solutions to end food insecurity, hunger, food-related diseases, and the creation of healthy vibrant communities. Then encourage others you know to pray as well.
For decades, the world has grown enough food to end hunger yet even in developed countries there are people who do not have enough to eat! There are lots of reasons for the current situation, however, if we come together we can find a solution to these problems. If the solution was quick and/or easy, someone would have done it a long time ago. However, if we commit to changing the current situation; I believe that God will honor and bless our efforts. We can create a world where future generations only know of hunger and its effects from a historical perspective but have no firsthand knowledge of it.